Westmoreland has worked in refractory/thermal lining development for a combined 70 plus years. As a result of this experience, we have developed an unmatched capability to design the overall thermal lining/barrier systems in many, many application areas. Not only do we consider a desired temperature profile, but we also consider potential chemical reactions, physical wear, process requirements, maintenance needs and impact on the overall facility process and bottom line. Typically, we provide a variety of material choices and design options so that together we can formulate the best option for your unique process and overall facility needs.
We do not work with any one material producer or installer. Therefore, our recommendations are not affected by the need to push a particular product or company. Our focus is directed by scientific principal and economic realities. We want you to get the very best bang for your buck.
If you need help designing a vessel lining or specifying products, let us help you. There are many identical products on the markets as well as those claiming to be identical and are not. We know it’s confusing and that is not always an accident. We can provide a clear picture of your options and a direction to proceed.
Don’t put that kind of pressure on a senior employee just because they’ve been around a long time and “know the system”. This may prevent you from learning about new technologies and options that can reduce your production time and cost. If you’ve used the same suppliers and installers for years, consider a broader approach. Healthy competition is good for everyone’s business.